Let these houseplants work for you - decorate with them & let them help clean your indoor air! These are our top picks for the best air purifying houseplants. Check them out...
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Low light loving plants that come in many different varieties. They are also known as Chinese Evergreen & are slow-growing, attractive foliage plants. A popular, highly decorative option for a houseplant.
Aloe Vera
An easy, attractive & tough indoor companion that likes bright, indirect light. Their leaves can also be used to relieve pain from scrapes and burns when applied topically. Beautiful & functional!
Anthurium andraeanum
Also commonly known as Flamingo Lily, it is one of the best-known tropical flowers. These popular beauties like bright, indirect light, high humidity & the glossy leaves need an occasional wiping to keep them dust free.
An exotic, tropical looking plant that adds a colorful & textural statement to your interior. They are easy to care for and need medium to bright light as indoor specimens. Grows well in shallow pots as it doesn’t need a lot of space for roots.
Cast Iron Plant
An extremely hardy houseplant that can survive extreme conditions most others cannot. Also known as Aspidistra elatior, they are very easy and rewarding to grow. Does well in all light conditions, even low light & is not finicky about regular waterings.
Large, showy foliage plants, available in many varieties that are versatile & adaptable to different lighting conditions. Prefers well-draining soil that is consistently moist, but not soggy.
Bright light loving plants that come in many different varieties, but Marginata is the most popular. Great in small containers or in larger tree form.
Bright, filtered light loving plants that are perfect for bathrooms or kitchens - high humidity areas. There are so many different types to choose from, but Boston is the most popular.
Ficus benjamina
Also known as Weeping Fig, this is a popular houseplant for offices & homes. An easy plant to fill empty corners & add a height element since their tree form is popular - their braided trunk also adds a unique touch to a space. It prefers medium to bright indirect light.
Ficus elastica
Also known as Rubber Plant, they are medium to bright light loving plants that are popular for their waxy leaves & larger than life looks. They can be grown in containers or in larger tree form.
Also known as Crassula ovata, Jades are easy & simple to care for. They are perfect for homes& offices and are also considered to be a symbol of good luck. There are many varieties to choose from with many unique looks. They all tend to prefer bright, indirect light & soil with good drainage.
Neanthe Bella Palm
Also known as Parlor Palm or Chamaedorea elegans, it has been a popular houseplant for a long time & is the most popular indoor palm. It likes bright, indirect light but can be adapted to relatively low light, it can handle lower temperatures & has attractive, delicate-textured, clumping foliage. They make excellent large, floor plants!
Peace Lily
Low to medium light loving plants that are also known as Spathiphyllum. They are one of the most common houseplants because they are easy to grow & beautiful.
Phoenix Palm
Also known as Phoenix roebelenii and referred to as the pygmy date palm. They have feathery looking fronds to add a different leaf texture and look as a statement or together with other tropical plants. Bright indirect light is best and the soil likes to stay relatively moist throughout the growing season. Non-toxic to pets.
Also known as Epipremnum aureum, it likes bright, indirect light & they are perfect for offices & bedrooms. They are arguably one of the easiest houseplants to grow & with so many varieties to choose from, they can fit any aesthetic.
Snake Plant
Also commonly known as Mother-in-law's Tongue, they are one of the most popular & hardy houseplants. Widely used as an architectural decor element with its stiff, upright leaves that range in height. They are very easy to care for, like low light conditions & have few bug issues. So easy, anyone can grow it!
Spider plant
Medium to bright light loving plants that are easy to grow, adaptable & durable. They are a popular plant that does well in hanging baskets due to its trailing nature.
ZZ Plant
A great beginner plant! Also known as Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, it can tolerate different light conditions and will grow faster the brighter the light. Base your watering off of the lighting conditions, i.e. less light = less water, medium light = medium water & lots of light = frequent water.
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to move indoors this week and talk about some of the outstanding tropical plants that we can grow in our homes. As the rain pounds on the roof while I write this, a tropical destination does sound nice… perhaps with golf clubs in tow and my camera in hand to take a bazillion photos of all the cool plants I encounter… Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. As you consider which tropicals to cultivate indoors, keep in mind that many of them love to do one of two things…