Collector plants are rare, unique & the most coveted among houseplant lovers.
Anything can be part of a curated collection, including rare or unusual houseplants! Why in the world would anyone drop serious cash for plants? Well, it's the same reason why most people collect items—a rarity! And trust us, these plants are worth it.
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Aglaonema pictum tricolor
Also known as the Chinese Evergreen, this plant is most often recognized for it’s striking camouflage leaves which consist of different shades of greens and whites.
Alocasia sulawesi 'Jacklyn'
‘Jacklyn’ is a unique Alocasia in the aroid family that has large arrowhead like foliage with dark-green veins. This textured houseplant requires bright-indirect light along with well drained-airy soil.
Anthurium hookeri 'Variegata'
Also known as the Bird Nest Anuthrium, has attractive, elongated faint variegated leaves. These popular beauties need bright-indirect light and good humidity.
Philodendron ‘Burlemarx’ variegata
This Philodendron is a very colorful aroid with foliage ranging from all yellows to molted whites and greens. This glossy plant needs bright-indirect light to maintain the stunning variegation.
Epipremnum amplissimun
Also know as Pothos, this silver-streak plant has narrow, long metallic leaves that trail. With indirect or morning light, foliage will continue to grow with that silver sheen. If given too much shade, leaves will revert to green.
Epipremnum aureum 'Shangri La’
Also known as the Sleeping Pothos, this cultivar is a vining plant with unique foliage, that is half curled with unusual rubber-like texture. With correct bright-indirect lighting this plant will maintain its golden hue.
Hoya bella anneke buis
A beautiful trailing Hoya with small pointed green leaves with white edging.
Hoya endauensis
This Hoya has small ruffled foliage and will bloom clusters of small waxy orange flowers! A must have for Hoya collectors!
Hoya heuschkellana 'Variegata'
This wax flower Hoya displays foliage color with hues of yellows, whites, greens and even pink when sun-stressed.
Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow'
Moon Shadow is a rare, uncommon Hoya. With glossy, creamy colorings.
Hoya kerrii 'Variegata'
Also known as the Sweetheart Hoya this houseplant is known for its charming heart shaped leaves and creamy yellow margins. As most Hoyas, it would prefer a bright-indirect lighting with allowing soil to dry between waterings.
Hoya latifolia sp. Sarawak
Also known as the Dinnerplate Hoya, surely lives up to its name with large disc like leaves that can potentially mature to the size of plates!
Hoya nummularioides
This epiphytic plant loves to trail or climb like most other Hoyas. Consists of green thick foliage and will bloom clusters of white star shaped flowers with dark pink centers.
Hoya phuwuaensis
Formerly known as Hoya sp. ‘Phu Wua’ has long slender leaves with speaks of silver.
Hoya rangsan
A unique plant for any collector, Hoya Rangsan has marbled oval leaves. With proper care and maturity they will bloom clusters of white-ish pink star like flowers!
Monstera Adansonii Mint
This collector plant is a variegated version of Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese. It lives up to its name with minty colorings. This tropical plant would love support to climb. With its unusual color variegations it definitely needs bright-indirect lighting with well draining soil!
Monstera esqueleto
Also known as Monstera Epipremnoides, this large leafed aroid has extensive leaf fenestrations which will increase in size as the plant matures. Grows well being staked, allowing the plant to climb.
Monstera pinnatipartita
This rare monstera is known for the bumpy, veiny foliage. As this plant matures the leaves will start to fenestrate and split! Prefers bright-indirect light with airy soil to let the roots breathe.
Monstera Thai Constellation
This highly sought after Monstera is similar to it’s parent plant Monstera Deliciousa. The ‘Thai Con’ has become very popular and a staple in collector homes. Living up to its name, this plant has flecks of creamy yellow spots like a constellation!
Philodendron 'Florida Beauty Variegata'
With serrated leaf shapes and unique marbled coloring, this rare houseplant is every collectors dream! Like most Philodendrons, this needs bright light to maintain its color variegations.
Philodendron 'Jose Buono'
This bold Philo features splashy, variegated paddle like leaves that can get to 24” long and 5” wide!
Philodendron 'Paraiso Verde'
Pariso Verde may not be as difficult as you think. As this plant loves to climb, it would eventually require some support as it matures. With warmer temperatures and brighter-indirect lighting you will see this variety continue with minty patterned foliage.
Philodendron 'Splendid'
Unlike other Philo’s this hybrid has iridescent velvety leaves that thrive on humidity. As this is an upright variety it will need support like a moss pole to grow to its potential.
Philodendron billietiae
This aroid is characterized by its dark long heart shape leaves hanging downwards. With orangey-red stems, billietiae is unlike any other.
Philodendron bipinnatifidumn Tortum
This spunky sought after aroid is unlike any others with its palm-like foliage. The new growth unfurls in a corkscrew like fashion leaving foliage almost skeletal. A must have for aroid collectors!
Philodendron Gloriosum
Gloriosum is definitely a glorious Philodendron with dark green velvet heart shaped leaves and spunky white veins. As another Philo with velvety leaves, this plant requires a good amount of high humidity!
Philodendron Melanochrysum
Also commonly referred to as the Black Gold Philodendron, has new bronze growth that will eventually fade into a darker green leaf when it matures. It is best to give this plant support so it may climb and live its best life!
Philodendron White Wizard
This enchanting Philo will sure cast a spell with its bright white and green variegation. To continue the extraordinary colors, be sure to provide a brighter-indirect lighting.
Scindapsus treubii f. dark
With nearly black leaves, this scindapsus has become very popular amongst collectors. The new foliage comes out glossy bright green and will turn darker as it matures. With dappled light and allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings, this plant isnt too complicated!
Syngonium 'Godzilla'
Also known as a variety of Arrowhead plant, this syngonium is unlike any others with wrinkled, but not fully unfurled foliage. This striking plant, would love the option to climb, but would not mind trailing as well.
Syngonium pod 'Albo-Variegata'
Variegated Arrowhead has been a newer enticing aroid with splatters of green and bright white leaves. This plant will be a stunning edition to any home or home scape.
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to move indoors this week and talk about some of the outstanding tropical plants that we can grow in our homes. As the rain pounds on the roof while I write this, a tropical destination does sound nice… perhaps with golf clubs in tow and my camera in hand to take a bazillion photos of all the cool plants I encounter… Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. As you consider which tropicals to cultivate indoors, keep in mind that many of them love to do one of two things…