Certain plants are only available at specific times during the year mainly due to their blooming cycle. Many of these plants are associated with holidays & can be used for added interior color or for thoughtful gifts.
*Please contact us to find out more about our current availability*
We are a retail garden center servicing our local communities & currently not able to ship our products
African Violets
Also known as Saintpaulia ionantha, these vibrant beauties are a great way to decorate with some houseplant color. They will bloom with lower light, though medium to bright indirect light is best. They can be a bit picky, so be careful not to overwater them. They also help clean your air too!
These easy to grow bulbs bloom into large showy, vibrant flowers on tall sturdy stems. They come in a variety of colors, from white to red to coral. They prefer bright, indirect light & regular watering. Amaryllis blooms in the winter making it a wonderful holiday houseplant. Typically available November through January.
Also commonly known as Flamingo Lily, it is one of the best-known tropical flowers. These popular beauties like bright, indirect light, high humidity & the glossy leaves need an occasional wiping to keep them dust free.
Christmas Cactus
Also known as a Zygocactus, they are a very popular houseplant. When they bloom, they produce colorful, tubular flowers in a variety of colors. Their beautiful flowers, long bloom time, & easy care requirements make them a wonderful plant. They are also great air purifiers! Typically available November through January.
It’s bright, vibrant blooms & interesting foliage make it a popular houseplant choice. They are a great holiday-time houseplant too - for you and/or as a gift for someone! Water once soil is dry to the touch, but be sure to water ‘from below’ so the blooms & foliage don’t get touched by the water.
Part of the succulent family, these plants have beautiful foliage & flowers. They like bright, indirect light & well-drained soil. Little maintenance is necessary & they have very few disease or pest problems.
Norfolk Pine
THE indoor Christmas tree and just a fun year long indoor “evergreen”. They are surprisingly suitable for bonsai, or allow them to mature into an impressive specimen in a large pot. These thrive in bright to indirect light, love the warmth of indoors and like to dry out a bit between watering sessions.
This ever-popular houseplant is also know as Phalaenopsis. Orchids like fresh air flow for their roots & good drainage, which is why an orchid-specific pot is important. When in bloom, they need indirect sunlight, very little water & a mild, warm & somewhat humid environment. They are also a great air purifier!
Peace Lily
Low to medium light loving plants that are also known as Spathiphyllum. They are one of the most common houseplants because they are easy to grow & beautiful.
These are classic holiday staples that are perfect for decorating, center pieces and hostess gifts. They come in a variety of sizes & a wide range of colors - from vibrant one colors, marble coloring, ‘airbrush’ and Kalsettia varieties (a kalanchoe/poinsettia combo) - so many to choose from! Get one for you & get one to give as a gift. Typically available November through January.
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to move indoors this week and talk about some of the outstanding tropical plants that we can grow in our homes. As the rain pounds on the roof while I write this, a tropical destination does sound nice… perhaps with golf clubs in tow and my camera in hand to take a bazillion photos of all the cool plants I encounter… Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. As you consider which tropicals to cultivate indoors, keep in mind that many of them love to do one of two things…