August can either be a month where the fruits of our labors and expressions of love come together into a glorious crescendo of all the wonderful colors of the rainbow, or it can be a time when we head out for vacations and ball games, and our yards become neglected barren patches of dried out dirt…
6 Steps To Successful Summer Planting
Now that the summer weather has arrived, it never fails that someone will ask me: “Can I still plant now or should I wait until the fall?” For the record, as a landscape contractor in the Sacramento Valley where it was routinely 85 to 105 degrees, I planted all summer long and never lost a single plant. You can have the same success rate by following my directions…
Challenges & Opportunities: Fried Shrubs, Burnt Baskets & Fabulous Tropicals
Summertime in the northwest is a great gardening time. There is lots of sunshine and warm soils to make plants grow, and as long as we remember to water, we can have some amazingly productive veggie gardens and luxurious landscapes (or at least some bodacious containers). Here are a few random comments to consider on the above topics…
The Secrets Of Proper Summer Watering
Love, It's What Makes A Garden
Here's A List Of Garden To-Do's For The Month Of June
Recently, I was browsing through my past columns looking for ideas when I came across my very first monthly check list, written in June 2001, 20 years ago. I have spilled a lot of ink since then, but the idea of a list of chores for every month of the year still seems useful. That being said, here are some thoughts to ponder…
Give These "Annual" Vines A Spot In Your Garden This Summer
I am inclined to think that when most gardeners discuss vines, monsters like wisteria, trumpet vine, honeysuckle, and even clematis, are probably the ones that come to mind. But there are true annuals, like sweet peas, scarlet runner beans and the many tropical vines that grow just fine in our summers, that can add a blast of color and even some privacy when grown on a trellis. Here are a few to try this summer…
I am sure many of you, like me, are battling the seemingly endless procession of rabbits invading your garden. In my landscape, the cute little furry destructors are there every morning to send me off to work, and then there to welcome me home. The main perpetrators are usually…