Growing your own tomatoes can be so rewarding, just think of all the delicious dishes you could create!  Check out a few of the many delicious varieties we have to offer...

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 Tomatoes are a warm-season crop that needs full sun & loose, well-drained, moist soil. Though we technically eat the fruit of the tomato plant, the tomato is typically treated as a vegetable in eating and cooking and, thus, commonly categorized as such. They can be grown in containers or in the ground & should be staked when planted. Great fresh, for cooking, canning or sauces.

Beef Steak

An heirloom variety that has a indeterminate growth habit. It produces large fruit that are full of flavor.


An improved hybrid variety that has an indeterminate growth habit. Produces large, red, beefsteak-type fruit that is tolerant of cracking. The flavor is mild & sweet, making it great for slices & sandwiches.


Better Boy

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. A record holder producer of large fruit.

Black Cherry

This truly black cherry tomato was bred in Florida by the late Vince Sapp. Pick loads of these perfectly round, dark fruits with rich, sweet, dynamic flavor from just one plant. Great for shish-kebabs, salads (they’re striking!), or just eating in the garden. Vines are quite vigorous, so use a tall cage. Open-pollinated.


Black Krim

This medium-sized, very dark maroon beefsteak variety is extremely tasty with a wonderfully rich flavor. An heirloom variety that is indeterminate.


An heirloom/open pollinated variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces large fruit with exceptionally rich & succulent flavor.


Brandywine Yellow

A large golden-yellow beefsteak type tomato that has juicy, apricot-colored flesh with a robust flavor that is both sweet and satisfyingly acidic - more so than other yellow tomatoes, though not as tart. An open-pollinated variety that is indeterminate.

Burpee’s Big Boy

Has incredible productivity & gorgeous, perfect, large red fruit that makes it an instant hit. What's kept Big Boy tomato a best-selling tomato all these years is the wonderful aroma and rich flavor. The fruits weigh in 10 oz. with many reaching 1 lb. or more. Healthy, indeterminate vines produce all summer long. The bountiful harvest begins about 78 days after setting plants in the garden.


Bush Champion

A hybrid variety with a determinate growth habit. Produces large fruit full of flavor.

Cherokee Green

One of the best green tomatoes available. Has lots of bold, acidic, complex tomato flavor. An heirloom variety that is indeterminate.


Early Girl

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces an early & dependable harvest of small, flavorful fruit.


A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces medium to large sized fruit with classic beefsteak flavor and very few seeds.


Green Zebra

An heirloom & open pollinated variety that has an indeterminate growth habit. Produces small striking emerald green fruit that has dark green vertical stripes & gently flavorful green flesh. Has a unique, tangy flavor great for eating fresh or to be canned.

Indigo Rose

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces unique, purple fruit with exceptionally high in anthocyanins (powerful antioxidants). Flavor is balanced, sweet & acidic.



A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces small fruit with sweet flavor that is popular for not cracking.

La Roma

An excellent Roma variety known for its vigorous growth & uniformity. Produces bright red, meaty fruits that are full of flavor & perfect for canning or pastes & sauces. A hybrid variety that is determinate.


Lemon Boy

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces eye-catching, yellow fruit that is slightly tangy, but also sweet and mild, meaty, and smooth — perfect for slicing. Vines grow rather tall, so be sure to stake or cage the plant.

Little Sicily

A compact, determinate variety that is great in pots & small spaces. Produces fruit with big flavor that is perfect fresh, cooked, canned or for sauces.


Mortgage Lifter

This huge heirloom beefsteak that consistently wins taste-tests with its tasty fruit. A low-acid variety that is indeterminate.

Oregon Spring

An open pollinated variety with a determinate growth habit. Produces medium to large sized fruit that is juicy & tender.



A hybrid variety with a determinate growth habit. A dwarf plant that is perfect for growing in containers & produces medium sized fruit.


Produces unique, long cascading trusses with lots of fruit on it. Flavorful, bright red small fruit that are perfect for fresh eating. A hybrid variety that is indeterminate.


Red Grape

A high-quality variety that produces long clusters of bright red, crack-resistant tomatoes that are super-sweet & ideal for fresh eating. A hybrid variety that is indeterminate.

Red Profusion

One of the best varieties for hanging baskets & container varieties as it forms a neat, compact plant with a superb branching habit. A hybrid variety that is determinate.



Prized for its use in tomato paste & sauces, Roma produces a large harvest of thick-walled, meaty, bright red, egg-shaped tomatoes about 3 inches long and with few seeds. This tomato is not juicy. This is not a slicing tomato. Instead, the flesh is thick and drier so that it will cook down into a thick sauce. Cooking intensifies flavor, too. If you can tomatoes, make your own spaghetti sauce, or like to chop a tomato into an omelet, this is a great choice. It’s not too juicy in the pan compared to slicing tomatoes. The fruit freezes well for later cooking, too.

San Marzano

Produces medium sized fruit that have a small, seed cavity that can be scooped out, leaving all meat - makes it a lot easier to get a first-class paste. Also good for canning & excellent for drying. An heirloom variety that is indeterminate.



A heavy producer of sweet, red fruit that has outstanding taste throughout the summer. An heirloom & open pollinated variety that is indeterminate.


One of the most popular cherry tomato varieties with a distinctive, tangy-sweet taste that is best eaten fresh. These extra-sweet tomatoes stay firmer longer than other cherry varieties & will be ready to harvest twice a week once they begin producing fruit. A hybrid with an indeterminate growth habit.


Sun Sugar

Produces loads of bite-sized bursts of sweetness with rich tomato flavor that are ideal for fresh snacking. One of the very best cherry tomato varieties & it is easy to grow. A hybrid tomato that is indeterminate.

Super Fantastic

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces high yields of delicious, large beefsteak fruit.


Super Sweet 100

An improved version of Sweet 100, it produces the same long clusters of deliciously sweet tomatoes high in sugar & vitamin C… It’s also more disease resistant! Perfect for snacking, salads & even juice. A hybrid variety that is indeterminate.

Sweet 100

Known for being incredibly tasty & producing for such a long time. Produces deliciously sweet fruit that is perfect for fresh eating. The indeterminate vines continue bearing until frost. Give them a tall support because they grow & grow over the top of the cage and back down again.


Sweet Million

A hybrid variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Produces high yields of small, super-sweet cherry tomatoes.


One of the best tomatoes for hanging baskets & containers! A heavy producer of sweet cherry tomatoes that are perfect for fresh eating. A hybrid variety that is determinate.

  • Determinate = Varieties that are compact (roughly 3’ to 4' tall) & sometimes referred to as “bush” tomatoes. They stop growing when fruit sets on the top bud, all the tomatoes from the plant ripen at approximately the same time (usually over period of 1 to 2 weeks), they require a limited amount of staking for support & are perfectly suited for container planting.

  • Indeterminate = Varieties that will grow & produce fruit until killed by frost. They can reach heights of up to 12 feet, although 6 feet is the standard average. They will bloom, set new fruit & ripen fruit all at the same time throughout the season. They require substantial staking for support.

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To see our 2021 Tomato List that you can print off and bring with you to the nursery, click here!