Now that we are in the heat of the summer, perennials like Coneflowers are blooming and providing important benefits to our pollinators. Personally, I have a number of these cultivars planted in my own landscape and truly enjoy their…
Garden Surprises – Fountains, Birdbaths and Garden Art
Something I truly enjoy when strolling through any garden are surprises, simple unexpected treasures that catch my eye and bring a smile to my face. I come around a corner, or peer down a pathway, or even look behind an old tree and exclaim “Ooooo… and what do we have here?” These focal points can be…
Crape Myrtles In Washington
Hydrangeas = Summer Color!
Perennials for Pollinators - Episode III
Perennials for Pollinators - Episode II
Perennials for Pollinators – Episode I
Dads Like Flowers Too!
One of best things about being a Dad is spending time with your kids, especially when an activity is made even better by sharing a personal passion with them. In my case, as with many other Dads, a keenness for gardening is towards the top of this list. I mean seriously now, just like Moms at Mother’s Day, us Dads like…
Powering Up Your Pollinators
June has officially arrived, and as we head toward the Summer Solstice it means gardeners have some extra daylight for frivolities in the garden. More importantly, we celebrate Pollinator Month (with National Pollinator Week June 17th-23rd as a highlight), a campaign created by the Pollinator Partnership to create harmony between us humans and nature. We all need to pause and give thanks to…
I am sure many of you, like me, are battling the seemingly endless procession of rabbits invading your garden. In my landscape, the cute little furry destructors are there every morning to send me off to work, and then there to welcome me home. The main perpetrators are usually…