
Hellebores - The Winter Jewel

Hellebores - The Winter Jewel

One of my all-time favorite plants is the Hellebore, a magnificent evergreen perennial that goes back for millennia in gardens across the globe.  These plants thrive in our climate and should be utilized in every landscape without question. They make wonderful…

Ornamental Grasses: Plumage and Fall Color

Ornamental Grasses: Plumage and Fall Color

Ornamental grasses provide many desirable qualities to our home landscapes and containers, especially in the fall season.  They add wonderful texture, color and structure, and when the breeze blows they also add motion and sound to any garden.  There are essentially two types...

Stylish Sedums and Succulents

Stylish Sedums and Succulents

Hardy Sedums come to us from across the globe and have adapted perfectly to almost all arid, and even higher elevation, locales.  Modern Succulents, of all kinds, have been bred into a massive array of...

Healthy Hardy Fuchsias

Healthy Hardy Fuchsias

The Fuchsia flower is somewhat unique in the world of gardening, sporting a pronounced corolla and often contrasting sepal color, all in a pendent-type flower.  Over the eons, these are plants that have evolved right alongside their pollinating partners, the hummingbirds.  They provide rich nectar for our winged friends, but also…

Captivating Coneflowers

Captivating Coneflowers

Now that we are in the heat of the summer, perennials like Coneflowers are blooming and providing important benefits to our pollinators.  Personally, I have a number of these cultivars planted in my own landscape and truly enjoy their…

Perennials for Pollinators - Episode III

Perennials for Pollinators - Episode III

As our journey in the garden progresses into summer, I will continue with even more perennials for pollinators, one last time.  This is episode three after all, and everything seems to work best in the form of a trilogy, right?  In hindsight perhaps I should have…

Fleece Flowers - long blooming and easy to grow perennials

I recently came across an article in my wife’s The English Garden magazine (September 2023 edition) in which the author was regaling the many attributes of one of my favorite perennials, Persicaria amplexicaulis, or Fleece Flower as it is known more commonly.  Turns out that…

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

It’s funny how the meaning of some words can change over time.  In a garden setting, having a “diverse” collection of plants is generally a good thing.  One could say that the gardener embraces “diversity”.  Likewise, if that same gardener “includes” many different genera in the landscape, you could state that the gardener embraces “inclusivity”.  Now, before you get your hackles up, I have no intention of…