Winter Gardening

Winter Interest with Evergreen Perennials

Winter Interest with Evergreen Perennials

First off, let me apologize for using the word “winter” in the title as I sincerely hope that our actual “winter” is still many weeks away.  Having said that, as we head towards the holiday season, it is an ideal time for gardeners to look forward just a bit.  Frost will be coming soon, and Mother Nature will require...

Pruning Your Laceleaf Japanese Maple

Pruning Your Laceleaf Japanese Maple

One plant that simply must be present in every yard is a Laceleaf Japanese Maple.  You know the ones… the beautiful, manageable sized trees that have interesting leaves in stunning colors all throughout the year.  Laceleafs can be living art pieces when cared for properly and developed slowly into specimens that add character, texture, and color to any landscape.  Even over the dormant winter months, a properly grown Laceleaf can be a stunning focal point in the garden…

Overcome the “Dead of Winter” in your Garden

Overcome the “Dead of Winter” in your Garden

As we enter another year, I am excited to see what 2024 brings for all of us gardeners.  New plant flavors to salivate over, new tools to make our lives easier, and new practices to learn and implement in our landscapes.  The cycle in the garden starts once again, often acting as…

We're Over The Hump

We're Over The Hump

December 21st is what we officially refer to as the Winter Solstice.  This day has the ignominious distinction of being the shortest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere).  Of course, while every day is essentially the same length (24 hours the last time I checked) the 21st has…

50 Shade Of Yellow - The Sequel

50 Shade Of Yellow - The Sequel

It should be no surprise that in the last few weeks of the year I would take one more opportunity to promote the allure and value of golden foliaged plants.  As we move into the dark months of the year, these beacons of light become absolutely essential in keeping our interest in the garden.  This hit home for me the other day as I…

50 Shades Of Brown

50 Shades Of Brown

First off, my apologizes to writer E.L. James for riffing on his popular novel title “50 Shades of Grey”.  I rather doubt that my comments here will ever make it to the big screen.  Just the same, the month of December in my garden is a pretty steamy mix of tan, brown, or black (and all the shades in between) emanating from foliage, seed heads, and bark, and frankly, I find it pretty stimulating…

March Madness (In The Garden!)

March Madness (In The Garden!)

I know it is still bloody cold outside, but Mother Nature waits for no one.  Think of March as the fourth quarter in the game of gardening and it is time to score some points.  Here is a game plan that will help you win and go on to a victory over that evil opponent, Winter…

Recess Is Over, It’s Time For Action

Recess Is Over, It’s Time For Action

After this last hard freeze, I am hoping that the worst is behind us and we can confidently get out into the garden and whip things back into shape.  While I realize February is still technically winter, it is also the beginning of spring for north westerners, and there is much to do before the actual spring season arrives.  Here are some timely tasks to consider…

Slow Down And Enjoy The “Quiet Time” In The Garden

Slow Down And Enjoy The “Quiet Time” In The Garden

First off, Happy New Year and congratulations on surviving all that 2022 threw at us.  Despite a soggy spring, long dry summer, and a killer freeze in December, I consider the year a success.  I made considerable progress in my new garden, planting a ton of new plants and…